Tuesday, July 9, 2013


It clenches your guts, the pain
Holds them tight and refuses to let go
Till you are ready to let the waters flow,
and let it flood your space
and fill your heart
Till it's brimming at your eyes
And threatening to fall.

With it, it brings the wails of months
Months that you've shut them,
Months that you've wanted to find them
but they refused to come out
Months that you've wished
and wished
that these wails would come and
wash away with them,
the pain, those memories, that regret.
But no, these are the worst of the creatures you've met.

Along with them, come their friends
Memories, Regret, Anger.
The picture of her smile...
It reminds the mind of what was
And will never be again.
It reminds the mind that, that smile,
you could've kept alive,
if you'd only tried.
And it reminds the mind that
it's past, dust, ashes..

The memories, that smile, that dimple... I miss you Goobey.