Saturday, March 3, 2012

Truly Mine.

“The winds that sometimes take something we love, are the same that bring us something we learn to love. Therefore we should not cry about something that was taken from us, but, yes, love what we have been given. Because what is really ours is never gone forever.”
― Bob Marley

I looked at his pictures on facebook, flipped through them angrily because he had made so many new friends and because I didn't feel a part of his life anymore. I stopped at a group picture and went through the tags to see what these new people were called. My cursor stopped at a girl who looked much like a bunny with bulging eyes and a goofy smile, but more than her looks, her name made me stop and think for a while and days to come later. Arya Anuranjitha. This girl shared first names with my first boyfriend, my first real love. How peculiar.

For two years, my ex's namesake still remained a face on a picture for me. Until the 13th of May 2011 happened. I packed my bags and ran off from the city I once loved the most because all it gave me then, was pain, despair and turned backs. So, I turned my back too and fled to a little town full of strangers.

Who knew strangers could be exactly what you needed?

Me: Even I've been wanting a tattoo forever.
Her: Me too man. There's this one phrase I want to get..
Me: Ya, which one? I've been wanting the phrase 'This too shall pass' for God knows how long
Her: Dude, are you kidding me? That's exactly what I want.

I swear, I have NEVER looked into a girl's eyes for longer. For me, time froze for those few seconds. That phrase was mine and that tattoo idea was mine too. That moment challenged all my ideas of, you need to know someone long enough to connect and yada yada yada. Arya, you piece of God knows what, you dropped into my life exactly when I needed you. The exact someone who I could exchange glances with, the one I could share awesome literature stuff with, and the person who shared music tastes with me so instantly. Everything for that matter, happened so instantly. From suddenly feeling sometimes lonely and clueless, I found direction and a much needed prod to to things that were right. From across the distance, you got me spectacularly well and time is witness to the fact that we, didn't let a boy come inbetween (thank god for that) Just as you constantly reminded me, he was just another boy, who did just the same thing as any other does. And after he left me too, I had you, to run back too.
Thank you for taking me back. And thank you for appreciating the little things which mattered so much to me which nobody saw but you. Thank you for the songs you played when we drank together. Thank you for those silent laughs which you just couldn't control, because they made me sit up straight and correct my act. Thank you for being the wisdom when I had none. Thank you for patiently showing me the right path Everysingletime. Thank you for showing me that no matter how much attention he gave me, at the end, he was a boy. And thank you for heart to heart, being that sister I never had.
I can never thank you enough for all that you've done or made me realize. Someday, you'll know the impact you've had on me :) But till then, I'll keep telling you.

Some people, come into your lives and go away as soon as they came, but some like you, have this insane capability of making people hold on to you. We can't do without you Arya :) it just doesn't happen.

And happy birthday love. Thank you for bringing my faith back in that word and showing me how much a Bhatia can rock ;)

I will always ALWAYS be by your side (whether you need me or not)

With love, hugs, kisses and other nasty things,

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